10 Never seen unique wedding photography in Udaipur

When we saw the wedding shoot we stunned into silence for a few moments.

We really didn’t know what to think of it.

So let’s get into it for some amazing wedding photography by wedding photographer in Udaipur


  • Create a “photo shoot list”: One of the most helpful tips we have been given about Wedding Photography is to get the couple to think ahead about of the shots that they’d like a photographer to capture on the day and compile a list so that we can check them.This is particularly helpful in the family shots. There’s nothing worse than getting the photos back and realizing we didn’t photograph the happy couple with grandma.


  • Explore the Location:  Visit the locations of the different places that you’ll be shooting before the big day. While most Pros don’t do this – they find it really helpful to know where we’re going, have an idea of a few positions for shots and to know how the light might come into play.


  • Be courageous but not unmistakable = Shyness won’t get us ‘the shot’–sometimes we need to be courageous to capture a moment. However, everything that matters is timing and thinking of further to get in the right position for key moments are important so as not to interrupt the event. During the formal shots be bold, know what we want and ask for it from the couple.


  • Consider a second wedding photographer:  Having a second backup photographer can be a great strategy. It means moving not often during ceremony function, 

    allows for one to capture the formal shots and the other to get candid shots. It also takes a little pressure off us being ‘the one’ to have every shot great.


  • Display the shoot at Reception:  One of the great things about digital photography is the closeness of it as a medium. One of the fun things we have seen more and more photographers doing recently is taking a computer to the reception, uploading shots taken earlier in the day and letting them rotate as a slideshow during the reception evening. This adds a fun element to the night.


  • Consider the Backgrounds:  One of the challenges of weddings is that there are often people going everywhere – including the backgrounds of our shots. Particularly with the formal shots where the photographer will be taken ahead of time looking for a good background.Generally, we want clean areas and shaded spots out of direct sunlight where there’s unlikely to be a wandering aunt wander into the back of the shot.


  • Wedding Group Shots:  One thing that we have done at every wedding that we have tried photography attempt to photograph everyone who is in the present in that one shot. The way we have done to arrange a place that can get up high above everyone right after the ceremony function. This may get a tall ladder, using a balcony or climbing on a roof.The beauty of getting up high is that photographer get everyone’s face in it and can fit a lot of people in that one shot. The key is to be able to get everyone to the place the way photographer want them to stand quickly and to be ready to get the shot without having everyone stand around for too long. We found the best way to get everyone to the spot is to get the bride and groom there and to have a couple of helpers to herd everyone in that direction.


  • Expect the Unexpected:  Things will Go Wrong – But They Can be the Best Parts of the Day’. In every wedding that we all attended that something tends to go wrong on that day. The groom can’t find the ring, it starts raining just after the ceremony ends, the flower girl decides to sit down in the middle of the walkway or the bride can’t remember her vows. 

    These moments can feel a little bit scary at the time – but it’s those moments that can actually make a day and give a ton of memories to Bride and Groom. Attempt to capture them and we could end up with some fun images that sum up the day really well.

     Also, Check it out: 10 Best Locations for Pre-Wedding Photoshoot in Udaipur

  • Change Perspective:  Get a little creative shot. While the majority of the images in the album will probably be fairly ‘normal’ or formal poses – make sure to mix things by taking shots from, up high, wide angles, down low black & white etc.


  • At last, have fun:  Weddings are about celebrating – they should be fun. The more fun we have as the photographer will be more relaxed than those who are photographing the guests. Perhaps the best way to say goodbye is the smile as a photographer.


Prakash Creation believes that one of the main goals of any wedding photographer is to capture the love that is shared between the couple, as well as the love that their family and friends have for them.

While our photographer will guide us on the moments they plan on capturing, it is important to know exactly what we want. After all, we will keep these memories unbroken with the perfect photo album.

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